maandag 4 november 2013

1920-1929 C5 Netta S. - Laurent L. - Melanie S.23:41 0 reacties

“Now I am old-fashioned. A woman, I consider, should be womanly. I have no patience with the modern neurotic girl who jazzes from morning to night, smokes like a chimney, and uses language which would make a billingsgate fishwoman blush!” 
 Agatha Christie, Murder on the Links

Agatha Christie

“They were smart and sophisticated, with an air of independence about them, and so casual about their looks and clothes and manners as to be almost slapdash. I don't know if I realized as soon as I began seeing them that they represented the wave of the future, but I do know I was drawn to them. I shared their restlessness, understood their determination to free themselves of the Victorian shackles of the pre-World War I era and find out for themselves what life was all about.” 
― Colleen Moore

Colleen Moore

“She's a self-conscious vampire ... and she goes about using sex as a sort of shrimping net.”
― Noël Coward

Noël Coward

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